Bonnie at Mourn
The sheep are in the meadow
and the kye are in the corn.
Thou's o'er long in thy bed
Bonnie at mourn.

Canny at e'en
Bonny at mourn
Thou's o'er long in thy bed
Bonnie at mourn.

We're all a-laid idle with
the keepin' o'the bairn.
The laddie winnae work
an'the lass winnae learn.

Canny at e'en
Bonny at mourn
Thou's o'er long in thy bed
Bonnie at mourn.

The birde's in the nest
an'the trout are in the burne
Thou hinders thy mother
at ever turn.

Canny at e'en
Bonny at mourn
Thou's o'er long in thy bed
Bonnie at mourn.